Q1 Investigation

Live script designed to replicate Axle side of Q1Q2Investigation
We will come at the problem from 2 angles:
% Initial commands
clear, clc, close all
% This function loads the variable 'AxTandem' which is produced by 'AxleStatsBasic'

Step 1: Input desired filters/parameters

% Select which year to analyze
Years = 0;
%Years = 2011:2019;
% Select stations (locations) to analyze
Stations = 0;
%Stations = [408 409 405 406 402 415 416];
% Block Maxima (always use j)
BM = {'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Yearly'};
% Select which Classification you want to analyze (always use i)
% Must be in the order 'All' 'ClassOW' 'Class' due to deletions
ClassType = {'All', 'ClassOW', 'Class'};

Step 2: Filter Axles based on desired year and station (location)

% Filter Axles based on desired year and station (location)
if Stations > 0
y = AxTandem.ZST == Stations;
AxTandem(~any(y,2),:) = [];
if Years > 0
y = year(AxTandem.Time) == Years;
AxTandem(~any(y,2),:) = [];

Step 3: Build Structure with Block Maxima

% Transform AxTandem into Array (necessary for splitapply)
Z = AxTandem;
Z.Time = datenum(Z.Time);
Z = table2array(Z);
for i = 1:length(ClassType)
Class = ClassType{i};
% Filter based on Class - AxTandem is compromised after this (deleting entries)
if strcmp(Class,'ClassOW')
AxTandem(AxTandem.CLASS == 0,:) = [];
Z(Z(:,5) == 0,:) = [];
elseif strcmp(Class,'Class')
AxTandem(AxTandem.CLASS == 0,:) = [];
Z(Z(:,5) == 0,:) = [];
AxTandem(AxTandem.CLASS > 39 & AxTandem.CLASS < 50,:) = [];
Z(Z(:,5) > 39 & Z(:,5) < 50,:) = [];
for j = 1:length(BM)
BlockM = BM{j};
% Initialize
Max.(Class).(BlockM) = [];
if strcmp(BlockM,'Daily')
% Make groups out of unique locations and days
[Gr, GrIDDay, GrIDZST] = findgroups(dateshift(AxTandem.Time,'start','day'),AxTandem.ZST);
elseif strcmp(BlockM,'Weekly')
[Gr, GrIDWeek, GrIDZST] = findgroups(dateshift(AxTandem.Time,'start','week'),AxTandem.ZST);
[Gr, GrIDYear, GrIDZST] = findgroups(year(AxTandem.Time),AxTandem.ZST);
% Perform splitapply (see function at end... not just Max as we want whole rows involving maxes)
Max.(Class).(BlockM) = splitapply(@(Z)maxIndex(Z),Z,Gr);
% Transform back into table form
Max.(Class).(BlockM) = array2table(Max.(Class).(BlockM));
Max.(Class).(BlockM).Properties.VariableNames = {'Max','AWT1kN','AWT2kN','W1_2M','ZST','CLASS','Time'};
Max.(Class).(BlockM).Time = datetime(Max.(Class).(BlockM).Time,'ConvertFrom',"datenum");

Curve Fitting

% Set Distribution Types
DistTypes = {'Normal', 'Lognormal', 'GeneralizedExtremeValue'};
% Set CDF Scaling Factors for estimates
D2WFactor = 5; W2YFactor = 50; D2YFactor = D2WFactor*W2YFactor;
% Set x values to be use globally
x_values = 0:1:800;
% Fit Block Maxima to Normal Curve
for i = 1:length(ClassType)
Class = ClassType{i};
for j = 1:length(BM)
BlockM = BM{j};
for k = 1:length(DistTypes)
Dist = DistTypes{k};
pd.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist) = fitdist(Max.(Class).(BlockM).Max/2,Dist);
y_values.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist).PDF_Fit = pdf(pd.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist),x_values);
y_values.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist).CDF_Fit = cdf(pd.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist),x_values);
if strcmp(BlockM,'Daily')
y_values.(Class).('Weekly').(Dist).CDF_D2W = y_values.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist).CDF_Fit.^D2WFactor;
y_values.(Class).('Weekly').(Dist).PDF_D2W = [0 diff(y_values.(Class).('Weekly').(Dist).CDF_D2W)];
y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_D2Y = y_values.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist).CDF_Fit.^D2YFactor;
y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).PDF_D2Y = [0 diff(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_D2Y)];
if strcmp(Dist,'Normal')
mu = trapz(y_values.(Class).('Weekly').(Dist).CDF_D2W,x_values);
sigma = sqrt(trapz(y_values.(Class).('Weekly').(Dist).CDF_D2W,(x_values-mu).^2));
pd.(Class).D2W.(Dist) = makedist(Dist,"mu",mu,"sigma",sigma);
mu = trapz(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_D2Y,x_values);
sigma = sqrt(trapz(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_D2Y,(x_values-mu).^2));
pd.(Class).D2Y.(Dist) = makedist(Dist,"mu",mu,"sigma",sigma);
elseif strcmp(Dist,'Lognormal')
mu = trapz(y_values.(Class).('Weekly').(Dist).CDF_D2W,x_values);
sigma = sqrt(trapz(y_values.(Class).('Weekly').(Dist).CDF_D2W,(x_values-mu).^2));
zeta = sqrt(log(1+(sigma/mu)^2));
lambda = log(mu)-0.5*zeta^2;
pd.(Class).D2W.(Dist) = makedist(Dist,"mu",lambda,"sigma",zeta);
mu = trapz(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_D2Y,x_values);
sigma = sqrt(trapz(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_D2Y,(x_values-mu).^2));
zeta = sqrt(log(1+(sigma/mu)^2));
lambda = log(mu)-0.5*zeta^2;
pd.(Class).D2Y.(Dist) = makedist(Dist,"mu",lambda,"sigma",zeta);
elseif strcmp(BlockM,'Weekly')
y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_W2Y = y_values.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist).CDF_Fit.^W2YFactor;
y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).PDF_W2Y = [0 diff(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_W2Y)];
if strcmp(Dist,'Normal')
mu = trapz(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_W2Y,x_values);
sigma = sqrt(trapz(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_W2Y,(x_values-mu).^2));
pd.(Class).W2Y.(Dist) = makedist(Dist,"mu",mu,"sigma",sigma);
elseif strcmp(Dist,'Lognormal')
mu = trapz(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_W2Y,x_values);
sigma = sqrt(trapz(y_values.(Class).('Yearly').(Dist).CDF_W2Y,(x_values-mu).^2));
zeta = sqrt(log(1+(sigma/mu)^2));
lambda = log(mu)-0.5*zeta^2;
pd.(Class).W2Y.(Dist) = makedist(Dist,"mu",lambda,"sigma",zeta);

Step 4: Plot Block Maxima

figure('Position',[0 0 1500 400]);
% Set colours
C = linspecer(9);
% ScaleDown
ScaleDown = [1 2.5 5];
% X Stuff
Step = 2.5;
LimitL = 10;
LimitR = 300;
X = LimitL:Step:LimitR;
x = X(1:end-1) + diff(X);
for i = 1:length(ClassType)
Class = ClassType{i};
hold on
for j = 1:length(BM)
BlockM = BM{j};
y = histcounts(Max.(Class).(BlockM).Max/2,'BinEdges',X,'normalization','pdf');
bar(x,y/ScaleDown(j),1,'EdgeColor',C(j,:),'FaceColor',[.8 .8 .8],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'DisplayName',BlockM)
for k = 2
Dist = DistTypes{k};
plot(x_values,y_values.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist).PDF_Fit/ScaleDown(j),'k-','DisplayName',[Dist 'Fit'])
if strcmp(BlockM,'Yearly')
plot(x_values,y_values.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist).PDF_D2Y/ScaleDown(j),'k--','DisplayName',[Dist 'D2Y'])
plot(x_values,y_values.(Class).(BlockM).(Dist).PDF_W2Y/ScaleDown(j),'k:','DisplayName',[Dist 'W2Y'])
% Set Plot Details
box on
xlim([LimitL+25 LimitR-25])
ylabel('Normalized Histograms')
xlabel('Total Tandem Load (kN) /2')
title(['Maximum Tandem Axles ' Class])

Block Maxima Compared between each other

figure('Position',[0 0 1500 400]);
% X Stuff
Step = 2.5;
LimitL = 10;
LimitR = 300;
Xp = LimitL-Step/2:Step:LimitR-Step/2;
for j = 1:length(BM)
BlockM = BM{j};
hold on
histogram(Max.All.(BlockM).Max/2,'BinEdges',Xp,'normalization','pdf','EdgeColor',C(4,:),'FaceColor',[.8 .8 .8],'FaceAlpha',0.2,'DisplayName','All')
histogram(Max.ClassOW.(BlockM).Max/2,'BinEdges',Xp,'normalization','pdf','EdgeColor',C(7,:),'FaceColor',[.8 .8 .8],'FaceAlpha',0.2,'DisplayName','ClassOW')
histogram(Max.Class.(BlockM).Max/2,'BinEdges',Xp,'normalization','pdf','EdgeColor',C(9,:),'FaceColor',[.8 .8 .8],'FaceAlpha',0.2,'DisplayName','Class')
% Set Plot Details
a = ylim;
ylim([a(1) a(2)*j])
box on
ylabel('Normalized Histograms')
xlabel('Total Tandem Load (kN) /2')
title(['Maximum Tandem Axles ' BlockM])
xlim([LimitL+25 LimitR-25])

Block Maxima Compared for Classification Filters

figure('Position',[0 0 1500 400]);
% X Stuff
Step = 0.025;
LimitL = Step/2;
LimitR = 3.15;
X = LimitL:Step:LimitR;
Xp = LimitL-Step/2:Step:LimitR-Step/2;
x = X(1:end-1) + diff(X);
for i = 1:length(ClassType)
Class = ClassType{i};
hold on
for j = 1:length(BM)
BlockM = BM{j};
y = histcounts(Max.(Class).(BlockM).W1_2M,'BinEdges',X,'normalization','pdf');
bar(x,y/ScaleDown(j),1,'EdgeColor',C(j,:),'FaceColor',[.8 .8 .8],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'DisplayName',BlockM)
% Set Plot Details
box on
xlim([LimitL+.25 LimitR-.25])
ylabel('Normalized Histograms')
xlabel('Total Tandem Load (kN) /2')
title(['Maximum Tandem Axles - Spacing ' Class])

Axle Spacing (of Maxima) Comparison

% The next step is to compute alpha values... we can compare these to those
% in the memo from the last OFROU mtg

Step 5: Summarize Estimates

% According to Annex C of SIA 269
Beta.Yearly = 4.7; % Here we use the Beta annual - so we should use annual max effects
Beta.Weekly = 5.44422; % See Tail Fitting > Beta Conversion
Beta.Daily = 5.72397;
Alpha = 0.7;
% Right now we assume a normal distribution in the Edact calculation. Also
% perform for lognormal.
% Initialize SumTable
SumTableNorm = array2table(zeros(6,length(BM)*length(ClassType)));
SumTableLogNormComp = array2table(zeros(5,length(BM)*length(ClassType)));
SumTableNorm.Properties.VariableNames = {[BM{3} ' ' ClassType{3}], [BM{3} ' ' ClassType{2}], [BM{3} ' ' ClassType{1}], [BM{2} ' ' ClassType{3}],...
[BM{2} ' ' ClassType{2}], [BM{2} ' ' ClassType{1}], [BM{1} ' ' ClassType{3}], [BM{1} ' ' ClassType{2}], [BM{1} ' ' ClassType{1}]};
SumTableLogNorm = SumTableNorm;
SumTableNorm.Properties.RowNames = {'Mu', 'Sigma', 'COV (%)', '95th %', 'Dist 95', 'AlphaQ'};
SumTableLogNorm.Properties.RowNames = {'Lambda', 'Zeta', '95th %', 'Dist 95', 'AlphaQN', 'AlphaQLN'};
SumTableLogNormComp.Properties.RowNames = {'Lambda', 'Zeta', '95th %', 'Dist 95', 'AlphaQLN Est'};
SumTableLogNormComp.Properties.VariableNames = {[BM{3} ' ' ClassType{3}], [BM{3} ' ' ClassType{2}], [BM{3} ' ' ClassType{1}], ['W2Y ' ClassType{3}],...
['W2Y ' ClassType{2}], ['W2Y ' ClassType{1}], ['D2Y ' ClassType{3}], ['D2Y ' ClassType{2}], ['D2Y ' ClassType{1}]};
for i = 1:length(ClassType)
Class = ClassType{i};
for j = 1:length(BM)
BlockM = BM{j};
Emact = mean(Max.(Class).(BlockM).Max/2);
Stdev = std(Max.(Class).(BlockM).Max/2);
COV = Stdev/Emact;
Delta2 = log(COV^2+1);
N5 = prctile(Max.(Class).(BlockM).Max/2,95);
Dist95N = norminv(0.95,pd.(Class).(BlockM).Normal.mu,pd.(Class).(BlockM).Normal.sigma);
Dist95LN = logninv(0.95,pd.(Class).(BlockM).Lognormal.mu,pd.(Class).(BlockM).Lognormal.sigma);
We account for the fact that the reliability index, β, must be for the same reference period as
Normal Distribution:
Lognormal Distribution: where
EdactN = Emact*(1+Alpha*Beta.(BlockM)*COV);
AlphaQN = EdactN/(300*1.5);
EdactLN = Emact*exp(Alpha*Beta.(BlockM)*sqrt(Delta2)-0.5*Delta2);
AlphaQLN = EdactLN/(300*1.5);
SumTableNorm.([BlockM ' ' Class]) = [Emact; Stdev; 100*COV; N5; Dist95N; AlphaQN];
SumTableLogNorm.([BlockM ' ' Class]) = [pd.(Class).(BlockM).Lognormal.mu; pd.(Class).(BlockM).Lognormal.sigma; N5; Dist95LN; AlphaQN; AlphaQLN];
if strcmp(BlockM,'Weekly')
pdx = pd.(Class).W2Y.Lognormal;
Delta2 = pdx.sigma^2;
Emact = exp(pdx.mu+0.5*Delta2);
SumTableLogNormComp.(['W2Y ' Class]) = [pdx.mu; pdx.sigma; prctile(Max.(Class).Yearly.Max/2,95); logninv(0.95,pdx.mu,pdx.sigma); Emact*exp(Alpha*Beta.Yearly*sqrt(Delta2)-0.5*Delta2)/(300*1.5)];
elseif strcmp(BlockM,'Daily')
pdx = pd.(Class).D2Y.Lognormal;
Delta2 = pdx.sigma^2;
Emact = exp(pdx.mu+0.5*Delta2);
SumTableLogNormComp.(['D2Y ' Class]) = [pdx.mu; pdx.sigma; prctile(Max.(Class).Yearly.Max/2,95); logninv(0.95,pdx.mu,pdx.sigma); Emact*exp(Alpha*Beta.Yearly*sqrt(Delta2)-0.5*Delta2)/(300*1.5)];
SumTableLogNormComp.([BlockM ' ' Class]) = [pd.(Class).(BlockM).Lognormal.mu; pd.(Class).(BlockM).Lognormal.sigma; N5; Dist95LN; AlphaQLN];
format bank
Yearly Class Yearly ClassOW Yearly All Weekly Class Weekly ClassOW Weekly All Daily Class Daily ClassOW Daily All ____________ ______________ __________ ____________ ______________ __________ ___________ _____________ _________ Mu 169.10 171.05 195.90 136.84 137.44 149.52 115.97 116.20 122.82 Sigma 15.07 15.94 21.92 16.41 16.73 21.66 18.50 18.71 23.18 COV (%) 8.91 9.32 11.19 11.99 12.17 14.49 15.95 16.10 18.88 95th % 195.27 200.74 235.65 164.12 165.36 186.53 148.14 148.84 163.24 Dist 95 193.89 197.27 231.96 163.84 164.96 185.14 146.39 146.98 160.95 AlphaQ 0.49 0.50 0.60 0.44 0.45 0.52 0.42 0.42 0.48
Yearly Class Yearly ClassOW Yearly All Weekly Class Weekly ClassOW Weekly All Daily Class Daily ClassOW Daily All ____________ ______________ __________ ____________ ______________ __________ ___________ _____________ _________ Lambda 5.13 5.14 5.27 4.91 4.92 5.00 4.74 4.74 4.79 Zeta 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.19 95th % 195.27 200.74 235.65 164.12 165.36 186.53 148.14 148.84 163.24 Dist 95 195.24 198.44 234.26 165.53 166.67 187.52 149.53 150.13 164.83 AlphaQN 0.49 0.50 0.60 0.44 0.45 0.52 0.42 0.42 0.48 AlphaQLN 0.50 0.51 0.62 0.48 0.48 0.57 0.48 0.48 0.57
Yearly Class Yearly ClassOW Yearly All W2Y Class W2Y ClassOW W2Y All D2Y Class D2Y ClassOW D2Y All ____________ ______________ __________ _________ ___________ _______ _________ ___________ _______ Lambda 5.13 5.14 5.27 5.18 5.19 5.32 5.20 5.20 5.33 Zeta 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 95th % 195.27 200.74 235.65 195.27 200.74 235.65 195.27 200.74 235.65 Dist 95 195.24 198.44 234.26 195.40 197.20 228.89 201.48 202.78 233.61 AlphaQLN Est 0.50 0.51 0.62 0.48 0.48 0.57 0.50 0.50 0.59

Step 6: Probability Paper Plotting & Tail Fitting Methods

When we apply the above equations, we are assuming the maximums are normally or log-normally distributed. We should evaluate the fit with a probability paper plot.
figure('Position',[0 0 1500 400]);
for i = 1:length(ClassType)
Class = ClassType{i};
for j = 1:length(BM)
BlockM = BM{j};
hold on
[MaxECDF, MaxECDFRank] = ecdf(Max.(Class).(BlockM).Max/2); MaxECDFRank = MaxECDFRank'; MaxECDF(1) = []; MaxECDFRank(1) = [];
scatter(norminv((1:length(MaxECDFRank))/(length(MaxECDFRank) + 1)),log(MaxECDFRank),7,C(j,:),'filled','DisplayName','Max Data');
mdl = fitlm(norminv((1:length(MaxECDFRank))/(length(MaxECDFRank) + 1)),log(MaxECDFRank),'linear');
plot(norminv((1:length(MaxECDFRank))/(length(MaxECDFRank) + 1)),mdl.Fitted,'-','Color',C(j,:),'DisplayName',['Fitted ' num2str(mdl.Rsquared.Ordinary,3)]);
%text(1,y1(1)+(y1(2)-y1(1))/j,['\lambda = ' sprintf('%.2f \n',mdl.Coefficients.Estimate(1)) '\zeta = ' sprintf('%.2f \n',mdl.Coefficients.Estimate(2)) sprintf('R^2: %.1f%%',mdl.Rsquared.Ordinary*100)])
box on
xlim([-4 4])
ylim([1.5 6])
y1 = ylim;
text(1,y1(1)+(y1(2)-y1(1))*(j/6),sprintf('R^2: %.1f%%',mdl.Rsquared.Ordinary*100),"Color",C(j,:))
ylabel('log[ Total Tandem Load (kN) /2 ]')
xlabel('Standard Normal Percentile')
title(['Maximum Tandem Axles ' Class])
sgtitle('LogNormal Probability Paper','fontweight','bold','fontsize',12);
% Try with Gumbel Probability Paper
% for i = 1:length(ClassType)
% Class = ClassType{i};
% figure('Position',[0 0 1500 400]);
% for j = 1:length(BM)
% BlockM = BM{j};
% subplot(1,3,j)
% hold on
% [MaxECDF, MaxECDFRank] = ecdf(Max.(Class).(BlockM).Max/2); MaxECDFRank = MaxECDFRank';
% scatter(MaxECDFRank,-log(-log(MaxECDF)),7,'k','filled','DisplayName','Max Data');
% box on
% ylabel('-log(-log(Probability of non-exceedance))')
% xlabel('Total Tandem Load (kN) /2')
% legend('location','best')
% title(['Maximum Tandem Axles ' BlockM])
% end
% sgtitle(['Gumbel Probability Paper - ' Class ' Axles'],'fontweight','bold','fontsize',12);
% end


function out = maxIndex(Z)
[ymax, loc]=max(sum([Z(:,1) Z(:,2)],2));
out=[ymax, Z(loc,:)];